For citation:
For citation: Avtonomov, V. S. (2024). Exploring Academician Storch’s “The Doctrine of Civilization” in the Context of Western and Russian Economic Thought. AlterEconomics, 21(1), 6–19.
The article deals with Heinrich Storch’s theory of internal goods found in his Course of Political Economy (1815), which expands beyond tangible goods to include intangible elements essential for societal well-being and social development. As the first Russian economist and a member of the Academy of Sciences, Storch challenged the views of Smith and Say, who limited productivity to the creation of material goods through labor. Storch gained widespread recognition in Europe, becoming a pioneering Russian economist to make a mark in the West. His influence extended to notable figures like F. List and C. Dunoyer. Storch’s theory was shaped by specific Russian circumstances, notably his strong opposition to serfdom. Storch’s theory illustrates the interplay between Western and Russian economic thought explored in this article. Within this framework, ideas emanate from the West, are adapted to Russian conditions, and subsequently wield influence over Western economists.
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