2011 № 3

Evolution of theoretical approaches to the analysis of economic welfare


In article evolution of theoretical approaches to the analysis of economic welfare is submitted. Four time stages in development of the welfare theory — theories of before market economy, theories of noncontrollable market economy, the theory of adjustable market economy and modern theories of welfare are allocated. The qualitative characteristic of each of stages from a position of transformation of an research object, since public and individual welfare and their comparison and finishing the state of welfare and criteria of an estimation of a level and quality of welfare is submitted. As a result of the analysis are allocated three key methodological approaches explaining essence and conditions of formation of welfare. Among them — the socialist approach, the liberal approach and the methodological approach in which centre of attention the state of welfare is.

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Galina A. Reznik – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, Russian Federation; e-mail: gr@tl.ru).

Svetlana G. Chuvakova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, Russian Federation; e-mail:spi_sveta@rambler.ru).