2016, №2

Evolution of the theory of socio-economic relations between the employee and the employer


The article is describes the evolution of theoretical and methodological approaches structuring the analysis of socio-economic relations of the employee and the employer that were revealing the unstable nature of the sub-systems for irreversible changes in reproduction processes under the influence of a heterogeneous environment innovations and market processes. The article target is to study the evolution trends of theory on the base institutional, system and network approaches, who can be revealing the dual nature of the socio-economic relations between the employee and the employer. The objectives of the article is change of theoretical and methodological tools that allow you to identify the specifics of socio-economic relations for the employee and the employer in conditions the development of an innovative environment through subsystems: subject-object, subject-subject, processes. Restrictions of the subject- object paradigm for analysis of the socio-economic relations on the base classical rational for competitive behaviors of persons in the conditions market were showed. The need for anthropocentric approach has been proven, it was complemented of post-classical rational in individuals behavior that can be used for the analysis to formation polysubject assessments in arising synergies effects for the development of socio-economic relations between employee and employer through description cognitive nature of the economic activities and flexible employment. In the article using a multidisciplinary approach is allows to expand the subject area of research on the socio- economic relations, to identify institutional effects arising as a result of structural changes of occupational groups of workers, imbalances subsystems of reproduction processes. The roles of the economic and cultural values, communicative practices, employer behaviors in making economic decisions were discussed. For identify patterns of evolution of sustainable socio-economic relations of the employee and the employer is used project analysis to focus: the object — goal — resources — environment. This research approach allows to focus on the general properties of the economic institute at the analysis of complementary socio- economic systems with the base roles position for employees and employers, the assessment of their latent development potential. It was determined that the level of technological innovation and the environment, social and psychological attitudes and institutions in society were influenced on the nature and dynamics of the evolution of socio-economic relations between employer and employee, enhancing the subjective orientation of theoretical analysis.

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Tatiana L. Smirnova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Seversk Technological Institute — branch of State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research Nuclear University «MEPhi» (Seversk, Russian Federation; e-mail: CTL2002@mail.ru).