2018 (15), №2

Evolution of Reproduction Paradigm for Hydrocarbon Resource Base

20.06.20181 августа, 2023Без комментариев



For citation: 

Sharf,  I. V. (2018). Evolution of Reproduction Paradigm for Hydrocarbon Resource Base. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(2), 325-334


Reproduction of hydrocarbon resources is a strategic objective for the national economy, the urgency of which is conditioned by the current state of resource base. The purpose of the study is to reveal the intrinsic characteristics of reproduction paradigm for hydrocarbon resource base and to define its periods in, the development of which took place in co-evolution with economic, technological and natural science paradigms. Application of empirical and analytical research methods has allowed the author to distinguish the following paradigm stages: a stage of natural law (pre-paradigm stage), stage of practical rationality and adaptive-behavioral stage. The author determines the key essential-structural peculiarities of the stages and considers the content and development of subject-object relations from epistemological to the axiological- epistemological essence. The main factors of science paradigm impact on the evolution of hydrocarbon reproduction resource base paradigm are presented. The author identifies the dilemma of current paradigm state in geologic aspect. It is found that it has been formed under the impact of petroleum geology paradigm – migration-sediment, “subsurface oil” and space. Space paradigm focuses on resource reproduction in small and medium oil fields and life extension of large fields in traditional production areas or focuses on reproduction in new oil and gas provinces, which influences the formation of government stimulating mechanism, and, consequently, balance and stability of social-economic development of the regions rich in natural resources.

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Irina Valer’evna Sharf — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russian Federation; e-mail: irina_sharf@mail.ru).