The phenomenon of elevation needs investigated in the mechanism of the dialectical development of production and consumption and is represented as a set of interrelated aspects. This is increase the number of needs and consumption; distribution needs in a wider range of consumers; quality needs change; the increasing complexity of the method of consumption; changing forms of consumption; the development of intellectual and social needs. It is shown that a complication of the method of consumption happens in the process of elevation needs, which leads to the formation of service requirements, and then to the emergence of public consumption and the service sector. The features and implications of elevation needs at the present stage: broad development needs that are not vital, the appearance qualitative-quantitative hyper-consumption, conspicuous consumption and the pursuit of brands; existence needs, having antisocial shade that turns the elevation requirements at its opposite; the excess of consumer demand over income, activates «life on credit» of individuals and whole countries; unrestrained growth needs, consumption and production respectively resulting in an unprecedented environmental pollution; hedonistic orientation of consumption, the violation of dialectical binder of needs-ability, the crisis of culture and morality; the formation of poly-needs, combining several components (material and non material); accelerated development needs in communication, entertainment and games. With the assistance of a large statistical material, the article considers features of needs and consumption during the crisis.