2016, №3

Economy and Global Science: Is Economic Science Ready to Face the Technological Revolution of the XXI Century?


The paper deals with the challenges of the economic science in the light of the third industrial revolution beginning. The purpose is to understand the challenges, threats and changes that humanity is to handle with and understand the role of economics in relation to the Third Industrial Revolution. The assumption of the need for the radical revision of the dominant economic postulates and possible alternatives in connection with the expected consequences is analyzed. New approaches, strategies and principles of a new scientific paradigm of economic theory of the XXI century are suggested. The attention is drawn to the underestimation of the technological and synergetic factors of the dominant economic paradigm core. The necessity for the interdisciplinary and multifunctional transition in science and the need to strengthen the development of the technological development trends theory based on change of economic thinking are analyzed. The claim of the XXI century to form a new man, capable to produce the synergetic way of thinking, integrating competences, developing cluster hybridization technology in economy problems, organization and management of the production systems is provedThe paper analyses the phase portrait of the post-industrial society in the light of the XXI century industrial revolutions cascade. The key processes of the post-industrial society production systems are forecasted. The state of the theoretical economic problems research and development in post-industrial society seems to be a cause for concern.

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Boris L. Kuznetsov – Dr. Sci.  (Tech.), Professor,  Professor of the Department of Production Management, Kazan Federal University — Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation; e-mail: borcus@mail.ru).

Viktor P. Ivanitsky – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial Markets and Banking, Ural State University of Economics (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: nvp@usue.ru).

Svetlana B. Kuznetsova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Kazan Federal University — Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation; e-mail: svetla_na66@inbox.ru).