2015, №4

Development of the performance management concept in Russian economic science in 1960


Development of the performance management theory is impossible without studying and summarizing historical experience. Soviet economic science equal basis with Western, if not outperforming it, is widely operated in such categories as «management» and «efficiency». Russian scientists’ papers of this area can be divided into two streams in 1960s: issues of regional development efficiency (without releasing of the management category) and the formation of the concept of performance management (but only with respect to the enterprise). Distinctive feature of this period, you can determine the releasing of the social efficiency category.

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Svetlana N. Rastvortseva — Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Professor of the Department of World Economy (Belgorod, Russian Federation; e-mail: Rastvortseva@bsu.edu.ru).