2014 ,№2

Development of the Human Capital within Institutional Model of the Social and Labor Relations


The human capital plays importance for forward development of the organization as one of basic economic institutes in this connection problems of research of the human capital get now great value not only in theoretical, but also in practical aspect in relation to the concrete organizations. In article it is shown that methodological bases of development of the human capital are presented. It is proved that development of the human capital of the organization in big degree depends on the developed system of the social and labor relations connected with the organization of working process, efficiency of work of the personnel, especially, taken with highly intellectual work. The main types and structure of the social and labor relations of the modern organization are considered, the factors having impact on formation of institutional model of the social and labor relations are revealed.

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Natalya N. Shash – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor of the Department of Public Finance, National Research University — Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: nat_vshu@mail.ru).

Alexander I. Borodin – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor of the Department of “Theory of Finance”, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation;  e-mail: aib-2004@yandex.ru).