2016, №3

Development of the Basic Approaches in the Theory of Economic Growth

20.09.201612 октября, 2023Без комментариев


The article describes the main approaches in the theory of economic growth. The purpose of the article is to systematize the main stages of development of the theory of economic growth. To achieve the purpose the following tasks are solved: clarification of the specifics of the main approaches in the theory of economic growth, periodization of the stages of development of the main approaches in the theory of economic growth, assessment of prospects for the future development of the theory of economic growth. Methodology for systematic and comparative analysis is used. The main conclusions of the article are as follows. Firstly, there remains the potential for the development of the systemic and reproductive approachto economic growth, underestimated in the world economic thought. Secondly, there is a convergence of modern growth theory and the theory of economic development based on the analysis of technological factors. Third, the development of the theory of the «new economic geography» can enrich the modern theory of economic growth, including spatial heterogeneity factor in the analysis that is extremely important in conditionsof Russia.

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Ivan M. Tenyakov – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor,  Associate Professor of the Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: itenyakov@mail.ru).