2012 № 3

Development of innovative cooperation as condition of transformation of structure of subjects of the property


In article on the basis of the analysis of transformation of structure of a property in the conditions of economy modernization authors allocated the main signs of innovative cooperation in the course of the network organization of subjects of a property. By authors it was shown that the innovative economy possesses diversified, flexible, often network structure which provides interaction between subjects of a property.

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Sergey V. Mokichev – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Economic Methodology and History, Institute of Management and Territorial Development, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: mokichev.sergei@mail.ru).

Sergey D. Mokichev – Assistant, Department of Economic Methodology and History, Institute of Management and Territorial Development, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: mokichev.sergei@mail.ru).