2018 (15), №2

The Conceptual Basis of Research on the Labor Market Object

20.06.20181 августа, 2023Без комментариев



For citation: 

Korogodin I. T.(2018). The Conceptual Basis of Research on the Labor Market Object. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(2), 254-263


The author considers the modern concept of the labor market object based on the critical analysis of different points of view on understanding of the labor market object. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the point of view, which is alternative to existing concepts, to an understanding of the labor market object. The main objectives of the study are: undertake a critical analysis of existing concepts of understanding the exchange object in the labor market; compare different approaches in order to determine the content of the labor market object; achieve a synthesis of the approaches and make conclusions about their correctness; characterize the theoretical propositions that justify an alternative point of view on the understanding of the labor market object; reveal the system of structural elements forming the content of the proposed labor market object; argue the reliability of the truth of the proposed object of the labor market. The author applied the following scientific principles as a methodological basis of the research: systemic, causality, binarity. The methods used are scientific abstraction, abstract analysis, abstract synthesis, and functional. The article analyzes three concepts on the understanding of the labor market object: classical, Marxist and neoclassical. Each concept has its own labor market object: classical concept — labor; Marxist concept — the labor force; neoclassical concept — favor as a kind of labor. The author states that none of these concepts is true and for that reason, the author substantiates an alternative point of view on the understanding of the labor market object. The provisions are offered to justify the true object of the labor market as a theoretical and methodological basis. The author states that the true object of the labor market is neither labor, nor labor power as commodity, nor favor as a kind of labor, but labor as service. The definition of labor service and its positive impact is provided. The labor service is an economic category that has essence and content. The structure of labor service is revealed. As states the author it has twofold content: as a process done by work and as a result – the total useful effect in form of work, the created product, etc. The author proved that the labor service is a real commodity, possessing the same properties as any goods that are traded on the market, i.e. value and value in use. Each of these properties has an objective basis, ensuring the formation of labor services and its market exchange.

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Ivan Timofeevich Korogodin – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russian Federation; e-mail: fomicheva@econ.vsu.ru).