For citation:
Bochko, V. S. (2022). Constructing the Image of the Future of Territories: Problems, Factors, and Recommendations. AlterEconomics, 19(3), 407–423.
The dramatic changes in Russian society require a new type of thinking and new approaches to envisioning the future development of territories. It is shown that there are two main worldview approaches to this process: philosophical and economic. It is noted that the overarching message to construct a vision of the future should be based on fulfilling people’s needs, in particular their self-actualization. The level of civilizational relations of the local community, its traditions, customs, and views are the main factors that influence the success or failure of the project. The crucial role in the decision-making should be played by local administrative and economic leaders. The key steps in the construction of the image of the future of a territory should include the study of the territory’s socio-economic history, analysis of its potential, priority-setting, and planning.
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