For citation:
Yakimova, V. A. (2024). Conceptual Approaches to Studying Partnerships in Foreign Ecosystem Theory. AlterEconomics, 21(4), 694–722.
Ecosystem theory offers new perspectives for understanding the behavior of economic agents, their relationships, and the conditions for coordinating interests. This study focuses on the partnerships that emerge between participants in ecosystems. The article aims to review key approaches and synthesize theoretical contributions by Russian and international researchers that advance ecosystem theory. The study addresses several objectives: identifying the prerequisites for the emergence of ecosystem theory and its distinctions from related concepts like entrepreneurial communities; analyzing the structure and main components of ecosystems; examining the motives for partnerships and cooperation; and explaining the dynamics of co-opetition (simultaneous cooperation and competition) and informal relationships within ecosystems. Methodologically, the study relies on content analysis of research literature, synthesis of economic theories, grouping of concepts, and development of ecosystem models. The findings highlight unique properties of ecosystems, such as heterogeneity, complementarity, affiliation, modularity, emergence, coevolution, and adaptability. Key rules governing complementarity are outlined, and partnership motives are categorized into four approaches: resource, technological, transactional, and market. The study further elucidates the nature of co-opetition, its characteristics, and the patterns governing formal and informal contracts between ecosystem participants. This study contributes to ecosystem theory by formulating new theoretical approaches and integrating economic concepts to enhance understanding. The findings lay the groundwork for a comprehensive theory, guiding future research and validating the proposed hypotheses. Future directions include typologizing partnerships, exploring conflict resolution in co-opetition, evaluating its effects on ecosystem dynamics, and devising mechanisms to coordinate participants’ interests.

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