For citation:
Akberdina, V. V., & Vasilenko, E. V. (2023). Basic Strategies for the Behaviour of Industry as a Participant in Regional Innovation Ecosystems. AlterEconomics, 20(3), 548–569.
Contemporary industrial businesses operate in dynamic and complex environments, often constrained by the limitations of the existing tools and methodologies. This highlights the necessity for innovative approaches that promote economic growth and innovation, tailored to the unique characteristics of industrial enterprises and their operational contexts. This article explores the application of the ecosystem approach and the concept of industrial ecosystems to outline essential strategies for industry participation in regional innovation ecosystems. The primary objective of this study is to establish a typology of the core strategies for industry involvement in regional innovation ecosystems. Following a comprehensive review and categorization of literature in this field, the authors propose a typology comprising eight distinct strategies: “Orchestration”, “Affiliation”, “Innovative transformation”, “Digital transformation”, “Ecological transformation”, “HR-transformation”, “Ecosystem as a tool of state policy”, “Ecosystem as a tool of competition for industrial enterprise”. These strategies are organized based on three key criteria: the scale of the industrial enterprise; its objectives in the context of Industry 4.0 transformation; and the entity responsible for initiating the creation of the regional innovation ecosystem. This research offers valuable insights for scholars engaged in the study of ecosystems, the development of industrial enterprises, and regional growth. Additionally, these findings provide industrial enterprises with a guiding framework for strategic decision-making. Furthermore, this study contributes to the development of evidence-based approaches for state policies aimed at fostering regional development.
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