2013 № 2

Analysis the category rent in the context of modern economy


In recent years, science researchers often determine the specific of the socio-economic system that has developed in modern Russia, through the concept of a rental economy. In this context it is important to understand the economic nature of a rent, as a category of economics. The article describes the conflicting definitions, characteristics, judgments concerning this socio-economic category. It is shown that changes in the economic base of contemporary social relations determine the extension of the list of rental resources, which in turn determines the appearance of new types of rental income and the new socio-economic contradictions. It is concluded that the search for answers to many economic, social and political problems of modern Russia should be in the phenomenon of rent-seeking behavior of economic actors.

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Lyudmila N. Danilenko – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Pskov State University (Pskov, Russian Federation; e-mail:daniluda@rambler.ru).