2023 (20), №4

A Critical Perspective on the Mobilization Model of Management

30.12.20238 января, 2024Без комментариев



For citation: 

Fonotov, A. G. (2023). A Critical Perspective on the Mobilization Model of Management. AlterEconomics, 20(4), 894–918. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2023.20-4.8


In response to the growing complexity of socio-economic challenges in the past decade, this article critically evaluates the suitability of the Mobilization Management Model (MM) for the current Russian economy. By scrutinizing factors like economic activity, market relations maturity, and the global impact of the communication revolution, the study applies methods of phenomenological analysis to examine the key aspects related to the mobilization of the Russian economy. Looking back at the distant past often prevents us from seeing the weaknesses of the mobilization concept and overlooks the challenge of applying methods from one era to another, especially when they are very different. Therefore, the article highlights the necessity of integra­ting modern management methods and tools. It explores the consequences of the model’s implementation in today’s conditions and investigates the potential for its modernization through artificial intelligence tools. The article concludes by recommending the limited use of MM in specific priority projects, showing the importance of further research into the opportunities and risks associated with mobilization models enhanced by advanced management tools like neural networks, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence, tailored to the specificities of various areas of activity.

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Andrei G. Fonotov — Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of Department, HSE University; ResearcherID N-6151-2015; Scopus Author ID 55746588800; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0015-2499 (20, Myasnitskaya St., 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: fonotov.ag@gmail.com).

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