2019 (16), №2

Regulation Mechanisms of External Labour Migration



For citation: 

Tukhtarova, E. Kh. (2019). Regulation Mechanisms of External Labour Migration. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(2), 187-197


At present, in spite of the adoption of various restrictive measures to regulate migration flows, the flow of low-skilled professionals in Russia prevails. This study presents an analysis of the global experience of countries that successfully attract qualified specialists. The tools of migration policy are analyzed. The key to success lies in the selective migration policy which combines various mechanisms of regulation of migration flows. The application of successful international experience is also possible in Russia. To this end, it is necessary to establish an institutional mechanism to regulate the demand for skilled labour in the labour market. The study presents several guidelines for skilled labor in Russian regions. The analysis is based on econometric approaches that use panel data in the production function and regression equation modelling. The findings may be useful to the representatives of state bodies in the formation of migration policy, as well as representatives of the scientific community.

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Eugeniya Khasanovna Tukhtarova — Chief Economist, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: tyevgeniya@yandex.ru).

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