2016, №4

Efficiency of modern privatization: research through methods of economic theory

15.12.20169 августа, 2023Без комментариев


The article addresses the analysis of economic approaches to research of privatization efficiency. Modern privatization processes are studied in the context of maximizing public welfare and existence of positive or negative effects from privatization. The author claims neutrality of ownership forms and primary influence of institutional and organizational factors. The conclusions, which are formulated within the theory of privatization, expand methodological bases for assessment of effective state ownership management and have practical importance for the choice of forms and ways of privatization. The author indicates the need of methodical base development for assessment of effective state ownership management in Russia and offers an integrated approach to improvement of the state ownership management system. It includes four directions: improvement of corporate management, improvement of organization of the management process, strengthening control of activities in enterprises and organizations, improvement of the system of civil service management.

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Natalya G. Filatova – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Siberian Institute of Management – Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; e-mail: filatovanata@list.ru).