2022 (19), №2

Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Behavioral Design Theory

For citation: 

Skokov, R. Yu. (2022). Interdisciplinary Synthesis of Behavioral Design Theory. AlterEconomics, 19(2), 374-390. https://doi.org/10.31063/AlterEconomics/2022.19-2.9.


Popular digital products such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are created by using digital persuasion technologies, which mark the modern stage in the development of behavioral design. This study seeks to outline the evolution of the concept of behavioral design by applying an interdisciplinary approach and bringing together physiology, psychology, addictology, sociology, computer science, political science, economics, and ethics. The concept of behavioral design originated and is developing as a synthesis of the ideas of the physiological theory of reflexes and reinforcement, psychoanalytic crowd theory and operational conditioning, theories of public opinion management and organizational change, institutional concepts of consumer behavior, computerization and the development of data networks. Behavioural design is used in a variety of areas ranging from architecture to health care and social security. Regarding the use of digital technologies in politics and socio-political processes, however, it is necessary to identify, monitor and control online manipulative practices, especially in relation to minors.

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Roman Yu. SKOKOV, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University, 26, Universitetsky prospect, Volgograd, 400002, Russian Federation, e-mail: rskokov@mail.ru,   http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1026-0538

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