2019 (16), №1

Features and Capabilities of Monitoring the Reputation of an Organization

For citation: 

Yushchuk, V. E. (2019). Features and Capabilities of Monitoring the Reputation of an Organization. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(1), 169-174


This article presents a view on the economic content of the monitoring of an organization’s intangible assets that include reputation. It is established that while monitoring reputation one cannot rely solely on quantitative indicators; it is also important to bear in mind the specifics of the type of economic activity, features of an economic area in which an organization operates, current condition and development prospects of the corresponding competitive market. Based on the results of the survey in the Ural and Volga Federal districts, an evaluation of an organization’s ability to monitor their business reputation and the level of their business awareness has been given. Modern data collection techniques and the most relevant types of information assets have been put forward to underpin the importance of monitoring competitors’ reputation. It is concluded that an elaborate and permanent monitoring system allows an organization to promptly identify reputational risks, to react to reputational threats and to take necessary measures to minimize or even them out.

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Vasilij Evgenyevich Yushchuk — Fellow Applicant, Economic Theory Center, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia; e-mail: monitoring.inet@gmail.com).

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