Dear authors!

The journal began accepting submissions for a special issue (No. 1, 2025)
«Economic Theory, Economic Education and Digital Economy».
Guest Editor – Head of the Center for Macroeconomic Research, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Chief Scientific Associate of the Laboratory of Mathematical Economics, Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor Evgeny Balatsky.
For more information visit >>


Аrticles for publication in the journal  are accepted through the submission system >>

The mission of the journal is to promote the development of economic theory (and its applications) appropriate for the modern complex and multinational world.

The purpose of the journal is to organize an international dialogue between representatives of alternative economic and theoretical views. The journal publishes research results in the field of heterodox theories: Austrian School, post- Keynesianism, institutionalism, Marxism and other areas of radical political economy. It also welcomes studies in the field of new theories competing for a leading place in the mainstream such as evolutionary economics, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics, econophysics, genoeconomics, etc. AlterEconomics accepts articles on interdisciplinary problems of modern economic theory in its interaction with sociology, cultural studies, political science and other sciences. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, book-reviews, and short reports in Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and French.

From the Editor-in Chief
To our dear authors and readers!


AlterEconomics is the new name for the previous Russian Journal of Economic Theory which has been published since 2004. This renaming (since 2022) does not change the main theme of the Journal which continues to be devoted to theoretical issues.

At the same time, the rebranding of the Journal serves new ambitions of the publisher (the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Editorial Board. The objective is to actively enter the international realm with a fresh look at problems of economic theory. The sometimes forgotten «good old economic theory», whose representatives perceived our world more holistically and harmoniously, will also be part of the focus of our Journal. 

Alter in Latin means «another, alternative», or «to change, to modify». This is consistent with the mission of our Journal which is to promote the development of economic theory more suitable for a modern complex, multinational and continuously changing world. That’s why we have not only renamed the Journal but also made it multilingual. We are ready to publish papers in Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish and French.

Interestingly, in German the word alter means «old», and this meaning also suits us. The sometimes forgotten «good old economic theory», whose representatives perceived our world more holistically and harmoniously, will also be part of the focus of the Journal.


(previously The Russian Journal of Economic Theory from 2004 to 2021)
Publication frequency: Quarterly.
ISSN (Print): 2782-6201
ISSN (Online): 2782-6198


Publisher and Founder
Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Intended Readers (target audience)
economic researchers, professors and university students, analysts and CEOs, government officials
Open Access Policy:
Platinum Open Access
The Journal is registered at the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, certificate ПИ No.ФС 77-82147 dt October 18th, 2021.

Indexed in


Special issue of AlterEconomics “Economic Theory, Economic Education and Digital Economy” (No. 1, 2025), guest editor – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor Evgeny Balatsky

The journal welcomes articles for the next thematic issue “Economic Theory, Economic Education and the Digital Economy” (No. 1, 2025). (далее…)

EASET-2024. Alternative theories for the new world

On 27 June 2024, within the framework of the Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2024), a round table dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Journal AlterEconomics took place. (далее…)

EASET-2024. Mainstream vs political economy: global challenges

On 27 June 2024, within the framework of the XI European-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory (EASET-2024) a scientific session "Mainstream vs political economy: global challenges" was held. (далее…)