For citation: Veretennikova, A. Yu. & Omonov, Zh. K.(2018). Development and Introduction of Social Innovations in the Civil Society. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(1), 84-95 Abstract: The...
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For citation: Safronova, A. A. (2018). Problems of Social and Innovative Development of Economic Processes. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 15(1), 145-149 Abstract: Socio-innovative development of the...
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Abstract: The paper presents a study that aimed to develop barriers of social innovations. The essence of the concept of "social innovation", and barriers that based on the theoretical and...
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Abstract: The article presents historical analysis of grassroots of social innovations in public sector, shows social innovations dynamics, examines mechanisms of social innovations development and illustrates modern all-world social innovation...
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Abstract: Social Innovations presents the new dynamically developing phenomenon that let local groups to whole countries decide social problems and rise competitiveness in contemporary economics. The article shows the essence...
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