2019 (16), №2

Effective Use of Human Capital in the Conditions of Russian Economy Digitalization



For citation: 

Gabdullin, N. M., & Kirshin, I. A. (2019). Effective Use of Human Capital in the Conditions of Russian Economy Digitalization. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(2), 225-233


This article discusses the problems of gaps in human capital use in the digital economy. The main goal of the presented research is to analyze the goals and economic interests of the institutional units of the domestic economy in the field of human capital accumulation. The authors focus on the fact that the existing gaps are based primarily on the subordination of the economic interests of one institutional unit to another, leading to a violation of the hierarchy of interests. Gap analysis of the gaps in the effective use of human capital proves the need to identify economic interests in the digitalization of the Russian economy. The executed gap analysis is determined by the existing imbalances in the functioning of all institutional units of the domestic economy. The development of new strategies for the development of human capital is likely to help overcome the revealed gaps. The state’s identification of the institutional conditions for ensuring the accumulation of human capital through digital technologies in order to strengthen and develop a new technological structure includes the implementation of state innovation development policies in accordance with the targeted vision of human capital; development of collaborative forms and tools for macroeconomic institutional units in human capital investments and the digitalization of the economy; governmental regulation of “monopolization” of data ownership and information disclosure; improvement of formal rules governing the funding of human capital development and digitalization.

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Nail’ Maratovich Gabdullin — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Corporate Financial Management, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: nail56@yandex.ru).

Igor’ Aleksandrovich Kirshin — Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Higher School of Business, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation; e-mail: kia1125@mail.ru).

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