2020 (17), №4

Economic and Legal Aspects of the Import Substitution Policy in Agriculture in Russia

For citation: 

Bersenev, V. L. (2020). Economic and Legal Aspects of the Import Substitution Policy in Agriculture in Russia. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (4), 922-931.


Import substitution has become a key factor in the transition of the Russian economy to innovation-driven development. Apart from everything else, the results of testing of the Prebisch — Singer hypothesis point to the need for this transition. The article considers theoretical and legal aspects of Russia’s import substitution policy in agriculture. This sector depends on natural and climatic conditions, it is also characterized by seasonality of production processes and it uses animals and plants as resources for production. Therefore, extraordinary measures are required to organize import substitution in this sphere. Moreover, in accordance with Engel’s law, it is necessary to ensure not only the country’s food independence but also the high quality of agricultural production. To this end, the main principles of import substitution should be enshrined in federal legislation. In this case, the interests of national agricultural producers will be better protected from changes in the political environment.

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Vladimir Leonidovich Bersenev — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Associate, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: colbers@bk.ru).

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