For citation:
Valko, D. V., & Maltseva A. S. (2020). Sharing Economy: Portrait of the Russian Consumer. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (3), 643-656.
The article describes the concept of sharing economy and its characteristics, which is a focus of modern interdisciplinary studies involving methods of classical marketing, behavioral economics, social psychology and generational theory. This article aims to build a socio-psychological portrait of the modern Russian consumer in the sharing economy. Methodologically, the research relies on the systemic approach and meta-analysis. We investigate the development of the sharing economy in Russia, its socio-demographic characteristics, the main business models, platforms and sharing services. Our analysis of Russian customers’ motivations and values has shown that sharing platforms have failed to bring about any radical changes in the economic relations but rather have a complementary nature, filling the relevant niches and acting as a source of extra comfort and mobility. Our research findings can be useful for other studies in this field as well as for public and corporate decision-makers.
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