For citation:
Kapoguzov, E. A., Levin, S. N., & Sablin, K. S. (2019). What Is Meant by the Import of Institutions. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 480-487
This article discusses methodological approaches to the problem of importing institutions. Related categories are also considered, namely borrowing, transplantation, cultivation, etc. The evolution of views on the problem of importing institutions in local and foreign literature is displayed. Consideration of principle of institutional design, specifics of political markets, and multicontextuality is proved to be important. It is substantiated that the efficiency and effectiveness of the import of institutes will differ within its individual areas. In this regard, the potential for the application of economic theory of the import of institutes is shown during the analysis of such areas as science and education, regional development, and public administration.
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