2020 (17), №1

Digitalization of Economy at the Macro-Region Level

For citation: 

Kurushina, E. V., & Petrov, M. B. (2020). Digitalization of Economy at the Macro-Region Level. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (1), 101-116


The paper presents the methodological approaches to estimating of economy digitalization in order to position federal districts of the Russian Federation and to identify problems of digital development at the macro-region level. We identified the low-level of specific digital investment relative to the world indicators in all federal districts in Russia besides of Central Federal District. We defined the main actors of digitalization in macro-region on the example of Ural Federal District. These main actors have necessary investment potential and ability to transfer digital effects by the interregional cluster policy taking into account perspective specializations of the spatial development. The scope of digital divide was assessed with using methods in mathematical statistics. The use of correlation analysis methods to assess the synchronization of ICT processes in the constituent entities of Ural Federal District and content analysis of program and project documents for the implementation of the national project on digitalization at the regional level, allowed us to argue about the inconsistency of the information and digitalization policy in the macro-region. The use of the potential of macro-regional management to establish a common digital space will not only solve the problems of interregional divide, but also increase the effectiveness of the national project on digitalization of the economy due to integration effects.

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Elena Viktorovna Kurushina — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Production Organization, Tyumen Industrial University (Tyumen, Russian Federation, e-mail: kurushina.tsogu@yandex.ru).

Mikhail Borisovich Petrov — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Center for the Development and Location of the Productive Forces, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: michpetrov@mail.ru).

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