For citation:
Kostousova, Y. A., & Komarova, O. V. (2019). Digitalization of the State Financial Control: Institutional Analysis. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 842-848
The digitalization of the economy leads to economic institutions and public administration system transformation. The creation of digital systems of state financial control for providing efficient use of budget is one of the public financial management problems. The aim of scientific research is to study digitalization of state financial control based on institutional methodology. The digitalization trends control activity of Federal treasure bodies has been indicated. It is based on content analysis of scientific research, legal general documents in the area of state financial control and analyzing data on realization of digitalization program for public administration in the Russian Federation. The article substantiates that the transforming institution of state financial control in the conditions of digitalization should be based on introduction of risk-based approach, the use new channels of communication with society and recipients of services and the formation of complex integrated systems based on Big Data analysis. These recommendations will ensure transparency and accessibility of the information about the use of public funds for citizens and help to reduce the burden on recipients of budgetary funds and federal executive bodies in exercising control. In turn, this will increase the effectiveness of the control and reduce its’ resource intensity.
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