For citation:
Rybachuk, M. A. (2020). Phenotype of Digital Economy Products: Analysis from Position of Systemic Economic Theory. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (1), 164-175
This study analyses a phenotype of digital economy products based on comparison the movement of goods stages of traditional and digital parts of the economy. The phenotype is a set of characteristics of products of the digital economy, formed in the development of digital technologies. The study is based on provisions of the system economic theory, under which there are only four basic types of socio-economic systems (object, environment, process, and project). It is shown that these systems through the implementation of the primary general economic functions and sharing space and time resources are combined into the stable configurations — tetrads. Four types of products corresponding to the types of socio-economic systems mentioned above are distinguished (commodity, service, work, and purposeful economic system transformations). Service, work, and project of economic system transformations are customized products in contradistinction from most commodities, i.e., are made from the request and usually can’t be performed in advance. The stages of the movement of traditional and digital commodities (from the manufacturer to the end user) and the stages of the movement of traditional and digital services (from the customer’s request to the start of production) are considered. Since the stages of movement of customized products are the same, as an example, the stages of the movement of only one of such products, service, were analyzed. The comparison of traditional and digital products is carried out, their properties are revealed. The main difference between them lies in the fact that the traditional and digital products are performed (produced) in the different spaces, the real and the digital (virtual). Based on the results obtained in the article, a number of conclusions, regarding the relationship between the development of traditional and digital sectors, were made.
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