For citation:
Zolotareva, V. P. (2019). Classification of National Models of “Catch-up Modernisation”. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 362-367
This research is based on the analysis of the course of economic processes during the emergence of industrial economies in leading countries and the recognition of wave dynamics of world economic development. The essential characteristics of “catch-up modernization” are formulated and the main criteria for structuring countries of “catch-up modernization” are presented. This article is devoted to the study of countries on the “first wave” of “catch-up modernization”, which covered the chronological period from the second half of the 19th century till the outbreak of the First World War. The authorial classification of groups and national models of “catch-up modernization” inherent in these countries is given. Common and special features of each of the described models are identified and characterized: “export of capitalism”, “mobilization-militarist” model, “state-national” model, “ethnonational” model, “dominion” model, and “least resistance” model. The importance of the historical and economic approach to the study of modernisation processes is emphasized in the context of understanding the current state of the world economy and its development prospects in the conditions of global transformation.
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