For citation:
Mukhin, M. A., & Urasova, A. A. (2020). Territorial Public Self-Government in the Context of the Theories of Spatial Development. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 361-367
The article considers the development features of the territorial public self-government in the context of spatial development theories. Our goal was to determine the significance of territorial public self-government in the contemporary discourse of spatial development theories. The hypothesis of the study is territorial public self-government as a phenomenon has spatial characteristics and spatial features. The theoretical definition of this category has a unique content on the basis. Based on the hypothesis put forward, methods of analysis of modern theories of spatial development, local self-government and territorial development are selected for empirical verification. The result of the study is the determination of the territorial public self-government’s place in the spatial development of regions as a promising form of power and a mechanism for solving real problems of the population in the territories. The result of the research is the conclusion about the territorial public self-government as a form of population’s organizations in a certain territory, based on the concentration of different resources with the aim of the solving problems and is an element of economic space of the region.
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