For citation:
Andreeva, E. L., & Malysheva, E. V. (2020). Theoretical Approaches to Studies on the Export Potential of National Economy. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 265-275
We have studied the export potential of national economy to substantiate the main approaches to its definition. Th ere is a hypothesis about combination of resource-based view and process approach to understanding the export potential of national economy in the article. We have conducted an analysis of scientifi c literature related to the export potential. Th at leads to the concept of the export potential of national economy, fi nds a level of the key actors which builds its, its’ advantages and disadvantages. We suggest various types of export potential classifi cations by these approaches to definition and subjects of a diff erent level: national economy, industry, company, product; for structured factors of the export potential; on the one hand, as resource pool, capacities and abilities, on the other; to study export potential of products. We have determined that the export potential of national economy should be viewed as whole from the position of the combination of resource-based view and process approach. It allows to clarify the concept of export potential as a collection of national economic agents’ domestic resources on the one hand, as a tool to support the implementation of these agents’ competitive advantages in the world markets taking into account the national interests of the country on the other hand. Th e results can be used by federal and regional export promotion structures and in the developing a strategy for export business development of the country and its regions.
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