2020 (17), №1

Theoretical Basis for Research of Institutional Factors for Economic Development

For citation: 

Ustinova, K. A. (2020). Theoretical Basis for Research of Institutional Factors for Economic Development. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (1), 187-197


The paper shows the role of institutional factors in social and economic development of territories in reproduction of the human capital based on generalization of results of domestic and foreign researches. The paper identifies different approaches to the definition of institutional factors (in particular, from the standpoint of narrow and broad interpretation). This work presents a typology of institutional factors, formed to meet the criteria for their classification, among which the condition (developing / developed / decaying), role in ensuring that basic process (basic / additional), the coverage (general / fractional / unit), the nature of the action for the system (external / internal), levels of action factor (for example, at the country level, at the regional level, enterprises, etc.), etc. The paper considers some institutional factors affecting human capital, in particular, institutions are identified depending on whether its contribute to or hinder the development of human capital; depending on the phases of the reproductive process of human capital (for example, institutions in the phase of formation / use of human capital), depending on which aspects of social relations are regulated with their use (formal or informal aspects).

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Kseniya Aleksandrovna Ustinova — PhD in Economics, Senior Research Associate, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vologda, Russian Federation; e-mail: ustinova-kseniya@yandex.ru).

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