For citation:
Volkova, T. I. (2020). Theoretical Framework for Studying the Need for Institutional Protection of Intellectual Property in Russia. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (3), 719-731.
This paper continues a series of publications on the institutional transformation of intellectual property protection in Russia, dealing in particular with intellectual property objects (IPO). In our previous research we have already addressed the salient theoretical, methodological and practical issues of IPO protection and commercialization and outlined our attitude towards them. The need to ensure the country’s economic and technological security; to make Russia’s participation in global value chains more effective; and to stimulate the development of digital technologies makes research in the sphere especially pertinent. The focus of the study is the theoretical aspects of the demand for institutional protection of intellectual property. While most research on this topic is of general character and quite rightfully uses cross-disciplinary methods, the reproduction methodology based on the criteria of level and functional differentiation in accordance with modern challenges and risks is much less common and is used only fragmentarily. The latter methodology will have priority in our study. The study relies on the systemic, structural- functional, comparative methods and the method of differentiated analysis. The purpose of the study is to describe the key factors and criteria of institutional protection of intellectual property in Russia. The research proposes a theoretical framework for studying the dialectics of monopoly and competition factors. We use the traditional monopoly theory to provide a more differentiated approach to the forms and types of monopoly as well as to the diversity of relations between the interested parties. As a result, we offer a solution to the challenging problem of balancing monopoly and competition in the intellectual property market on the national (domestic) and international (from the perspective of national interests) levels. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it proposes the criteria for differentiation between the levels and functions of institutional protection of intellectual property and the corresponding scientific, technological, and economic policies on a national scale (which is the most common focus of research) and on a global scale.
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