2019 (16), №1

Theoretical and Methodological Features of the Assessment of Natural Resources for Touristic and Recreational Purposes

For citation: 

Bukreev, I. A. (2019). Theoretical and Methodological Features of the Assessment of Natural Resources for Touristic and Recreational Purposes. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(1), 101-110


The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the effective rent in the conditions of recreational and touristic development. The main scientific approaches to the assessment of natural resources have been studied in this article. The main advantages and disadvantages of choosing the cost and rent approaches are considered, the rationale and technique of sharing these approaches are given. Furthermore, rent formation is analyzed in greater detail, its main sources are considered; hereon, a methodology for its formation in the conditions of development of recreation and tourism has been developed. The study uses microeconomic analysis; methods of logical, historical, statistical analysis. In the cases of tourism and recreation, a methodology for rent assessment on the basis of alternative use of natural goods should be used. It takes into account the specifics of the formation of production costs and price differentiation. The evaluation technique suggests considering the possibility of alternative use of land resources in the best way from all known methods, as well as the efficiency of the economic entity itself. The methodology is based on the principles of full employment, production efficiency and resource allocation, which will also impede the existing inefficient management. An economically justified fee (rent) on a competitive basis for the use of land, the possibility of unhindered movement and leasehold rights will allow the lease transfer of ownership to a more efficient economic entity.

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Igor Aleksandrovich Bukreev — Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Finance Institute of Economics and Management, Humanities and Education Academy (Branch), Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky (Yalta, Russian Federation; e-mail: bukreev.igor@bk.ru).

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