For citation:
Simonova, V. L. & Shakuta, A. S. (2019). The Structure of the Intellectual Capital of a Firm. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(1), 181-186
In the context of a post-industrial economy, companies are required to be flexible, highly innovative, and able to develop promising strategic approaches and build effective relations withnumerous counterparties. In such conditions, reliance onmaterial resources alone does not allow to achieve significant results; therefore, experts highlighted the ability of companies to create and manage the intellectual capital of a company in the overall structure of assets as an important factor of competitiveness. In this paper, traditional approach to the analysis of intellectual capital as a three-component structure is expanded; specification of the components of intellectual capital to the second level has been given, creating a basis for assessing and managing its development; interaction scheme of intellectual capital elements, reflecting a holistic view on a firm’s intellectual asset, has been developed.
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