For citation:
Sharafutdinova, K. A., & Vlasov, M. V. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Transaction Costs. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 881-886
The article is devoted to the analysis of transaction costs posed by the activity of the economic entities. The analysis of transaction costs is one of the most relevant problems which confront with modern economy theory. The purpose of the study is to analyze and identify differences in the transaction costs structure of commercial and industrial enterprises. The authors of the article undertake comparative analysis transaction cost structure of commercial and industrial enterprise. Based on the analysis of previous studies, the authors make the hypothesis that the transaction cost structure differ from in commercial to industrial enterprises. As the result of the study the authors verify the hypothesis, identify the main differences, calculate weight factors of transaction costs types of commercial and industrial enterprises. The theoretical importance of the conducted research is identifying different kinds of transaction costs structures and measuring the relevance of transaction costs of commercial and industrial enterprises, which may be the basis for further research on the development of theoretical methods for analysis and assessment of transaction costs arising in the activities of industrial and commercial enterprises. The practical importance is improvement of the management-decision making by the head of commercial and industrial enterprises.
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