2019 (16), №1

The Role of Social and Economic Factors in Formation of Demographic Processes: Evolution of Theoretical Concepts

For citation: 

Kozlova, O. A. & Levina, E. I. (2019). The Role of Social and Economic Factors in Formation of Demographic Processes: Evolution of Theoretical Concepts. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(1), 144-153


The relevance of the given research is determined by the existing ominous demographic situation in the country and its regions, by the established type of population reproduction, which requires the search for new effective measures to address several demographic issues. The necessity then arises for further study and systematization of academic views in the research field of impact factors on demographic processes. The aim of the study is to identify the most advanced research areas that would illustrate the impact factors on demographic processes in modern society. The research relies on the methods of general-purpose and systemic analysis. The systematization of various theoretical views on the determination of factors which affect the demographic processes is proposed. It is presented that the use of interdisciplinary approaches to the research of demographic matters which are based on the synthesis of scientific knowledge in the field of economics, demography, sociology, psychology, physiology, medicine and other sciences allows to infer the cause-and-effect relations between socioeconomic and demographic processes. It is concluded that the use of the interdisciplinary approach in the research of demographic matters creates an organic combination of the potential of gained scientific knowledge with the promising development of new research areas in this field, provides a deeper understanding of demographic processes patterns, and respects the interests of all the parties involved in social interactions. Thus, it would be beneficial in making managerial decisions in the realm of socioeconomic and demographic policy.

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Olga Anatolyevna Kozlova — Doctor of Economics, Head of the Center for Socioeconomic Dynamics Research, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Ural State Economic University (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: olga137@mail.ru).

Elena Ivanovna Levina — Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Accounting and Analysis, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russian Federation; e-mail: lei.bu@kuzstu.ru).

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