For citation:
Dolzhenko, R. A., & Chelak, I. P. (2020). Framework Standards for the Use of Distributed Ledgers in the System of Social and Labor Relations: an Ecosystem Approach. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (4), 944-949.
The use of blockchain technology is one of the most promising areas in the development of the digital economy. The high potential of its applicability, obvious benefits from reducing the number of transactions and cutting costs mean that the implementation of blockchain technology is inevitable in social and labor relations (SLR). The impediment to this process is the absence of an established institutional environment that would determine uniform characteristics of the technology, language, ontology, and principles of using distributed ledgers. The purpose of this study is to develop recommendations for establishing framework standards for the application of blockchain technology in SLR. The ecosystem approach, practical analysis and institutional synthesis are used as research methods. As a result, the study proposes a set of areas for standardization of the application of distributed ledger technology in SLR. The pool of basic standardization areas includes institutional, technological, relational (stakeholder) conditions as well as conditions for ensuring security. Analysis of the national project (program) “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” identified areas for developing standards for the use of blockchain technology in SLR. In addition, the study described serious risks and obstacles to the implementation of digital technologies in this sphere of economic relations.
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