For citation:
Okrepilov, V. V., & Gagulina, N. L. (2019). Development of Estimating Quality of Life of Regional Population. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 318-330
The proposed standpoint on the assessment development of quality of life is based on the analysis of the impact of the economics of quality on innovative development. It also identifies the quality of life as the most important indicator of regional development and is focused on developing fundamental approaches to the clarification of the role of tools of the economics of quality in assessing the quality of life of regional population. Innovative development which is based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress contributes to the significant growth of gross domestic product today and has a direct impact on the quality of life of regional population. Considerable experience has been gained in solving such problems within the framework of the economics of quality – a scientific area which aggregately applies standardization, metrology, and quality management. The article considers the examples of successful application of quality management at the regional level and shows that they can serve as the foundation for developing fundamental approaches to the clarification of the role of economics of quality tools that assess the quality of life of population in a region along with metrology and standardization. With the objective to expand the methodological basis of the apparatus for quantifying the quality of life, a brand-new approach has been introduced: it allows economics of quality to be used in quantitative assessments of the quality of life of regional population.
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