For citation:
Syatchikhin, S. V., & Trushkova, E. A. (2020). Adaptation of Population to Socio-Economic Transformations: Methodological Approaches. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (3), 694-706.
Rapid transformations of social and economic environment require people to exercise their capacity to adapt. The aim of the article is to summarize and analyze the methodological approaches applied to study adaptation to socio-economic transformations. The study analyzes the research literature on adaptation, its types, including socio-economic adaptation, and the influence of transformations on adaptation. As a result, three groups of approaches are identified with regard to such aspects as the influence of transformations on people; the results of adaptation; different forms of socio-economic adaptation; creation of conditions for adaptation; and people’s responses to shocks. It is shown that socio-economic adaptation is treated in contemporary research literature as a complex phenomenon. Our research findings can be used in further studies of socio-economic adaptation. A possible avenue for further research would be to model people’s strategies of adaptation to the changing environment and to develop methods for measuring the outcomes of this process. This research can also be useful for strategic spatial policy-making.
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