2019 (16), №3

From the Shumpeterian Theory of Creative Destruction to the Synergetic Paradigm of Innovations



For citation: 

Gamidullaeva, L. A. (2019). From the Shumpeterian Theory of Creative Destruction to the Synergetic Paradigm of Innovations. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 498-512


The article provides a detailed review and analysis of the essential characteristics of the dominant theories and concepts of innovation. It is shown that the developing synergetic paradigm can make a significant contribution to the development of the theory of innovative systems. The author identified the prerequisites for the emergence and benefits of using a synergistic approach to the study of innovative processes. The theoretical analysis showed the presence of a clear trend towards the growth of scientific interest in the study of the interaction processes of the participants of innovation systems, causing the appearance of synergistic effects. A theoretical review of recent studies by authors dealing with the evaluation of the synergistic effects of innovation is presented. Final conclusions are formulated on the benefits of developing a synergistic methodology in order to research innovative systems and present directions for future research.

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Leyla Ayvarovna Gamidullaeva — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Penza State University (Penza, Russian Federation; e-mail: gamidullaeva@gmail.com).

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