For citation:
Timokhina, G. S., Wagner, R., Myslyakova, Yu. G., & Popova, O. I. (2020). The Methodology of the Comparative Study of Institutional Environment in the Domestic Waste Management. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 476-490
The performance of functioning of consumption waste management system is determined by development of institutional environment in the form of formal and informal institutions, by values and behavioral principles of the institutional actors. The functioning of a formal consumer waste management institutions prevents the increase of this system’s performance in Russia. That leads to the need for research of institutional environment’s consumer waste management with the developed economies for the institutional transplantation. The methodological framework has led to the development of theoretical and methodological support of the multivariate comparative research of consumer waste management’s institutional environment in Russia and Germany based on axiological and behavioral approach. The methodological framework includes the theory of institutional economics, management, sociology, axiological and behavioral sciences, research methods as a structural and logical analysis and deduction. The result is comprehensive theoretical and methodological basis for a comparative study and analysis of the institutional environment of consumption waste management. It includes four research modules detailing successive stages of studying the nature of impact of institutional environment on value systems of national economic entities and a systemized theoretical and methodological apparatus integrating relevant methodologies from different branches of science. The author’s theoretical and methodological basis for the comparative study will allow to develop respective theory and methodology, carry out large-scale studies and simulate the multi-level institutional design of the Russian system of consumption waste management in order to increase its effectiveness and address environmental issues.
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