2019 (16), №4

A Macromodel of Population Adaptation in Changing Economic Conditions: Approaches and Solutions



For citation: 

Doroshenko, S. V., & Trushkova, E. A. (2019). A Macromodel of Population Adaptation in Changing Economic Conditions: Approaches and Solutions. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 617-629


The process of region development requires the human factor to be taken into account, since it reflects the population’s ability of adaptation to a changing environment. This research was aimed at justification of the socio-economic process of the population’s adaptation from the perspective of an interdisciplinary approach. In this regard, theoretical approaches to the study of population adaptation were generalised, and the concept of socio-economic adaptation of the population specified. Following a review of theoretical approaches, it is concluded that the concept under study can be described as a complex research object. On the basis of socio-cultural, institutional, behavioural, axiological, activity, behaviourist and other approaches, a model of socio-economic adaptation of the population to changing environmental conditions was proposed. The proposed model elucidates objective processes and trends in the living conditions of individuals and social groups, as well as reflects not only the reproduction of these changes in their consciousness and activity (change of values, motives, attitudes, formation of goal-setting and decision-making sequence), but also subjective and behavioural aspects in the choice of adaptation forms. The obtained results can be applied in future research to further investigate the transition of the Russian economy to dynamic development from the standpoint of social and economic adaptation of the population; to examine specific forms and mechanisms of the population’s adaptation to changing economic conditions (entrepreneurship, employment, state support, migration); to develop practical recommendations for improving regional state policy and spatial development priorities with the purpose of regional transition to dynamic development, specifically taking into account the activation of the human factor.

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Svetlana Viktorovna Doroshenko — Doctor of Economics, Departmental Head, Regional Business Policy Sector, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: doroshenkos@mail.ru).

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Trushkova — Phd in Economics, Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: trushkova_ea@inbox.ru).

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