2019 (16), №3

Capital of Cooperation as an Intangible Competitive Advantage of Territories



For citation: 

Vazhenina, I. S., & Vazhenin, S. G. (2019). Capital of Cooperation as an Intangible Competitive Advantage of Territories. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 376-387


The subject of research lies in the modern aspects of the formation of capital of cooperation between territories, which is becoming one of the key intangible advantages of regions and municipalities in a competitive economy. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical foundations of the evolution of interregional and intermunicipal interaction. The authorial interpretation of the economic content of the concept of “capital of cooperation of territories” is substantiated. It is presented as a unique accumulative economic resource, bringing additional value and forming additional competitive advantages of interacting regions and municipalities. The authors singled out the peculiarities of the cooperation capital of the territories: it does not exist outside the regions and municipalities; it can be accumulated, converted into other capitals, etc. The position according to which cooperation of territories allows to create additional benefits, values for regions and municipalities within the framework of their interaction in a competitive economic space is argued. It was concluded that intangible competitive advantages of territories which are formed on the basis of cooperation between regions and municipalities do not reject and do not replace material competitive advantages; on the contrary, they are actively integrated into the architecture of the socio-economic development of territories, complementing it with new competencies. The uniqueness of intangible competitive advantages of territories is revealed. Regional and municipal authorities are offered recommendations on the implementation of measures that develop the capital of cooperation in a competitive economy. The authors consider it promising to further study the problem posed in the direction of theoretical study of the issues of the life cycle of territorial cooperation, as well as assessing the results of cooperation between regions and municipalities in the modern economic space.

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Irina Svyatoslavovna Vazhenina — Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Leading Research Associate, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: isvazhenina@ mail.ru).

Sergey Grigorievich Vazhenin — PhD in Economics, Head of a Sector, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: svazhenin@mail.ru).

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