2020 (17), №2

The Money Research from Dual Logic Position

20.06.202028 июля, 2023Без комментариев

For citation: 

Popkov, V. V. (2020). The Money Research from Dual Logic Position. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 292-301


The necessity of logical review of modern fields in economics is dictated by the critical state of this science. A lot of researchers recognize the crisis and discuss about the different kind of resources to cope with it, but none of them does not mention the logic. Th e article covers that the substantial understanding of money can be enriched by going beyond the usual classical bivalent logic (the law of excluded middle) and transition to the trivalent logic (true, false, indifferent). I have conducted the logical research of money in two areas creating dual logic: the logical content analysis of contradictions and opposites and constructive analysis, demonstrating the true-false concept of relativity in some aspects of economic theory. Th ere are partly resolved issues of what kind of logical constructions money belongs to, what is their logical organization, what needs to take account during the building of digital economy in the article. I have used the research papers of Russian and foreign authors for information base of the article. Th e works of Russian logician Nikolay Vasiliev and mine on the theory of economic constructivism have been used as the methodological framework of the article. Due to the application of dual logic concept, it is showed that the money have continual discrete nature. It defines the universality and wide range of using money. It is also indicated that the quartum non datur can be successfully applied in economic research, and the law of the excluded middle has limited application. Th e questions raised and proposed solutions in the context of the dual logic theory and economical constructivism can be a reference point to develop the logical theory of money.

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Valerian Vladimirovich Popkov — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Independent Researcher (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: president.ibi@mail.ru).

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