2019 (16), №4

Theoretical Aspects of Regional Integration in the Global System of Economic Relations

20.12.20191 августа, 2023Без комментариев



For citation: 

Khmeleva, G. A. (2019). Theoretical Aspects of Regional Integration in the Global System of Economic Relations. Zhurnal ekonomicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(4), 746-757


In spite of its relevance, the problem of regional integration into the international economic context remains poorly understood. The present article is aimed at studying and developing the theoretical aspects of the integration of regions into the system of world economic relations. The study was conducted using the general theoretical and systemic methods. The concept of country and regional integration are distinguished, and the research approaches explaining the phenomenon of international integration of regions and determining the factors of its success are generalised. It is shown that the problem of regional integration should be studied using an interdisciplinary approach based on knowledge developed in the fields of economics, political science, history, sociology and cultural studies. Such an approach ensures the depth and complexity in the study of the driving forces of international integration. The features of international integration at the regional level were revealed. The factors affecting the international regional integration were clarified considering the digitalisation and Industry 4.0. A set of administrative measures facilitating international integration of regions was proposed.

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Galina Anatol’evna Khmeleva — Doctor in Economics, Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Samara State University of Economics (Samara, Russian Federation; e-mail: galina@yandex.ru).

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