For citation:
Orekhova, S. V., & Zarutskaya, V. S. (2019). Business Integration: The Evolution of Approaches and New Methodology. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 16(3), 554-574
The article is devoted to the development of a unified methodological approach to the study of business integration processes. The methodological framework is based on a critical analysis of three groups of approaches: Neoclassical Economic Theory, Institutional Economic Theory, and Strategic Management. We classify the types of integration and determine the motives and conditions for the economic cooperation in accordance with the scientific review. As a result of content analysis, we reveal that the core problem in the integration processes identification is the changing ideas about choice, application and ownership of resources in the digitalization era. Resources are found to be microfoundations for choosing a firm’s integration strategy. The thesis on the key role of resources serves as a base for the new unified methodology for business integration research. The proposed methodological approach makes it possible to consider integration processes as a result of the firm’s resource strategy in an institutional environment. We can predict effective business models and interfirm interactions based on the resources.
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