2020 (17), №2

Simulation Modeling of Socio-Economic Processes in the Territorial Systems

For citation: 

Krasnykh, S. S. (2020). Simulation Modeling of Socio-Economic Processes in the Territorial Systems. Zhurnal Economicheskoj Teorii [Russian Journal of Economic Theory], 17 (2), 503-508


Simulation modeling is one of the main tools which enable to model socio-economic relations within territorial systems and make managerial and other decisions in business processes, is able to predict various processes in the economy and society. The instrument’s essence lies in approbation of a real model in the computer simulation. The modern development of information and communication technologies allows to model almost any socio-economic process. In this connection, the purpose of this work is to analyze theoretical approaches to the essence of simulation at the present stage, as well as to evaluate methods of simulation when forecasting socio-economic processes in territorial systems. During the study, we have analyzed the evolution of the development of the simulation modeling methods, identified advantages and disadvantages. We review the simulation agent-based models, which create the socio-economic processes of territorial systems. We found out that the agent-oriented approach is the most optimal method of simulation of socio-economic processes in territorial systems.

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Sergey Sergeevich Krasnykh — Junior Research Associate, Spatial Development Modeling Laboratory of Territories, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: sergeykrasnykh@yahoo.com).

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