For citation:
Nasyrova, S. I. (2022). Ideas as a Factor of Development in a Human-Oriented Economy. AlterEconomics, 19(4), 602-619.
Factors contributing to social and economic development are among the key topics of economic research, in particular F. A. Hayek and J. M. Keynes pointed out the role played by ideas in this process. This study focuses on the role of ideas in a human-centred economy and aims to find directions for generating ideas in a human-oriented economy by applying methods of content analysis, forming the theoretical basis of the study and author’s categorical method of scenario project of economic system movement on development trajectory determined by the directions of generating ideas. As a result, a conceptual model has been developed reflecting the impact of directions of generating ideas on scenario development of a human-oriented economy. The author reveals that directions of generating ideas are uncertainty of manifestation. The sources and mechanisms of human needs (through external influence or as result of the influence of human’s nature) determine directions of generating ideas in development. The scenarios of economic development are based on the ideas which were previously constructed and already accepted in society or adapted to the current needs of each person. The research findings can be used to develop measures for the development of creatosphere, which is the main component of human-oriented economy. They can also provide a theoretical and methodological foundation for further scientific inquiry in this field.
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